====== alphalist Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Combine several DokuWiki lists to alphabetical list author : Szymon Olewniczak email : solewniczak@rid.pl type : syntax lastupdate : 2017-09-29 compatible : Weatherwax, Angua, Adora Belle depends : conflicts : similar : alphalist2 tags : list order sort !discontinued downloadurl: https://github.com/solewniczak/dokuwiki-plugin-alphalist/zipball/master bugtracker : https://github.com/solewniczak/dokuwiki-plugin-alphalist/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/solewniczak/dokuwiki-plugin-alphalist/ screenshot_img : ---- ===== Overview ===== This plugin can be used to combine several dokuwiki lists into one alphabetical list. See the example page below to see some use cases of it. ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ===== Examples/Usage ===== Plugin is very simple to use. If you want just create alphabtical list from all list's element on the current page type: [alphalist] If you want to combine two lists in the current page onto the alphalist. Just type: [alphalist {List 1} {List 2}] Where List 1 and List 2 are headers of the lists. You can also use lists from onther pages: [alphalist page2{List 1} page3{List 2}] If you want to collect all list elements from the other pages: [alphalist page2 page3] ===== Syntax ===== There are three possible usage of this plugin: To just create a list from all list's elements on the page, type: [alphalist] If you want to create alphabetical list from lists from one section: [alphalist {Header name}] Or combine several setcions: [alphalist {Header 1} {Header 2}] You can also use lists from other pages: [alphalist page1 :foo:page2] You can also get the lists from other pages sections: [alphalist :page1{Header no page1} page2{Header no page2}] Of course you can combine several syntax types: [alphalist page2{List 1} {List 2}] ===== Configuration and Settings ===== * locale - this will be past to php setlocase in order to the sort funciton work correctly. If your dokuwiki pages uses UTF be sure to use UTF locale. Ex. pl_PL.utf8 de_DE.utf8 ===== Development ===== === Change Log === {{rss>https://github.com/solewniczak/dokuwiki-plugin-alphalist/commits/develop.atom date}} **Releases:** {{rss>https://github.com/solewniczak/dokuwiki-plugin-alphalist/releases.atom description author}} ===== Discussion ===== [[https://github.com/solewniczak/dokuwiki-plugin-alphalist/issues]]